Blue Eyes

Gender: Male

Species: Troodon

Description: Troodon, his skin is a bright green mixed with dabs of Blue and Red. his eyes are a faint blue color and that is how he got his name.

History: Blue Eyes was born in Halcyon almost 25 Summers ago. He blended into the Troodon crowd of the city well and not much is known about him from ages 0-20, when he was 20 Andrew, Lian, and Ned came to the lost city and everything changed. after a few weeks when everyone left, Blue Eyes set out to make a life for himself. he spent many years wandering Dinotopia and remained away from most settlements. he preferred to avoid most of the humans and saurians growing up in a lifestyle that was sheltered from these strange beasts. when he was 24 he had a run in with a young T-Rex on the outskirts of the rainy basin and his leg was injured. he was rescued by some humans and after he healed he vanished into the night. he is now 25, his opinions about the other races remain dense however he is no longer afraid.