Col D Wexler


  Name: Col D Wexler
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description: Full name is COLONEL DAVID WEXLER;
of Scandinavian decent;
5'9'' tall;
Blue eyes;
Very adventurous;
Works well with masonry and metals, and is quite crafty at ship building/repairing as well.

History: Was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and joined the army at the age of 16. He was soon promoted to Colonel for valor against hostile Indians, and in 1846-48 he fought for the Americans in the Mexican-American War. After the war ended in victory, David left the military in search of greater adventures and signed on as a vessel repairman on a clipper ship bound for India.

A storm blew the clipper off course and it was smashed on the reefs of Dinotopia. He was luckily washed ashore along the eastern coast, while other survivors were carried by dolphins to the opposite end of the island. David had landed on the beaches of Volcaneum, and was warmly greeted. After his first summer in Waterfall City learning Dinotopian ways and customs, he moved to Pooktook where he used his metal skills to his advantage by working as a blacksmith.